Air Conditioning Repair

Because it does, in fact, get hot throughout the summer months, having an air conditioner that is in good working order is particularly essential for those times when the weather is really hot. There is no cause for alarm even if your AC may be malfunctioning. Our experts in AC Repair have worked in the field for a considerable amount of time. Our experience in engineering and building eco-friendly and adaptive air conditioners built to keep your home or company comfortable is one of the things that sets our AC Contractors apart from other firms. We don’t only repair air conditioners. We are able to work on all brands and types, including centralized and split-system air conditioning units. When it comes to repairing air conditioners, our team of highly qualified HVAC Repair Technicians is capable of handling any job, no matter how big or intricate it may be.

We will take care of your cooling needs so you may enjoy the summer. Call 888-859-5806

When It’s Time to Get Your AC Repaired

Is the level of comfort in your home falling short of what you would like it to be? There are other, more subtle problems that, if ignored, could lead to more severe repairs or the need for an early replacement of your air conditioner. While a unit that won’t turn on is a clear sign that you need repairs, there are other, less obvious problems. If you are familiar with the more subtle indicators of a problem with your air conditioning, you will be able to contact a professional service specialist sooner rather than later.

If any of the following apply, one of our AC repair specialists advises that you give us a call:

  • You are incurring an increase in the amount of money required to pay for your monthly utility bills: Inefficient operation of your air conditioner can be caused by a number of different issues, including leaking ductwork, an internal malfunction, or a defective thermostat. This means that it has to work harder to keep your property cool, which will result in a significant increase in the amount that you pay in utility bills.
  • You only notice hot air coming out of your vents: First things first, make sure you haven’t inadvertently set the thermostat to the incorrect temperature by checking it. If that is not the case, then you most likely have a problem on the inside of your air conditioner, and you should get it inspected by a professional.
  • You are seeing a greater humidity level at your property: Even though this is not the primary function of your air conditioner, it is responsible for regulating the humidity level inside of your home or commercial building. Higher humidity indicates that there is an excess of moisture in the air, which can lead to the growth of mold and mildew in addition to making the air feel warm and sticky. It is essential that you get this matter resolved as quickly as humanly feasible, particularly for the sake of your safety.
  • The airflow in your unit is inadequate: Regrettably, there are a wide variety of factors that can result in insufficient airflow. We will need to carry out a comprehensive inspection in order to figure out whether the problem is the result of a clogged air filter, an issue with the blower, frozen evaporator coils, leaking ductwork, or blocked air ducts.
  • You observe that there is a significant amount of moisture in the area around your unit: Condensation is a natural occurrence, however it shouldn’t be present in excessive amounts. It is possible that you have a leaking refrigerant or a clogged drain tube if you notice any excess moisture or pooling water in the area.
  • Strange Noises from Your Unit: It is to be expected for an air conditioner to create some background noise while it is running. On the other hand, if it starts making audible screeching, squealing, grinding, groaning, or scraping noises, this is an obvious indication that something needs to be repaired.
  • It appears that there is a problem with your thermostat: It’s possible that the thermostat is the source of the problems you’re having with your air conditioner. If you have hot and cold areas around your home, your unit won’t shut off, or it won’t start, it could be because of a problem with the thermostat. If your unit won’t start, it could also be because it won’t shut off.
  • Foul odors are coming from your unit: There may be a problem with your AC if you smell anything burning or a musty odor. These odors can be caused by a variety of factors, including mold development and charred wiring.
  • Your unit rotates often between the following states: When the temperature inside your home reaches the level that you have selected on the thermostat, air conditioners are programmed to turn off automatically. Despite this, it will continue to cycle even when there is something wrong with it.

Any AC professional work can be handled by our air conditioning repair service pros. We have encountered every type of air conditioner problem, from a unit that leaks to one that doesn’t provide enough cooling. Even more, we have experience working with both centralized air conditioning systems as well as mini-split AC systems.

The HVAC System Is Making Weird Noises

There are a few sounds that should not be heard coming from air conditioners even though they do not operate in full silence. These noises might be anything from a banging to a screeching to a grinding to a clicking sound. These particular sounds almost always indicate that there is a problem within the air conditioning unit that has to be fixed by a professional.

Sounds that are Weird and Different Coming From Your AC The following should be included:

  • Banging: The problem is typically the compressor in an air conditioner that is making a banging noise. This component of the air conditioner is responsible for delivering refrigerant to the various other components of the unit in order to remove excess heat from your home. Compressor components may loosen up as the AC system ages. This sound is caused by the parts moving around and rattling and banging into one another.
  • Screeching: A broken blower fan motor within the air conditioner might produce a sound similar to screeching or squealing if the motor is working improperly. Typically, a faulty fan belt or damaged bearings in the motor are to blame for this sound. Turn off the AC right away and get in touch with a professional for repairs whenever you hear a screeching noise.
  • Grinding: The sound of something grinding is never a good sign to hear coming from any kind of mechanical object. Pistons inside the compressor may have worn out, which might result in this grinding noise emanating from the AC. When a compressor’s pistons become worn, it almost always indicates that the compressor itself has to be replaced. The complete AC unit could need to be replaced depending on the model of AC and how old it is.
  • Clicking: It is very typical for an air conditioner to make a clicking sound when it initially turns on. If you hear clicking throughout the entire duration of the cooling cycle, then there is a problem with the clicking. These clicks are the result of a thermostat that is not working properly.

Our AC repair technicians can handle even the most challenging problems. We understand that difficulties can arise at any time, which is why we provide same-day and emergency services that are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Whether you require ductless single-head system repair or a service call for a new, full-home HVAC system, our skilled technicians are available to assist you when you require it the most.

In our community, we provide exceptional air conditioning service. We believe in offering trustworthy service you can rely on. You will never be forced to buy things or services that you do not require or desire. When you call us for repair services, we will analyze the problem and assist you in developing the best repair or service plan for your needs and budget.

Just give us a call at 888-859-5806, and we’ll be on time and ready to work.

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